Thursday, March 3, 2011

10 to go...!!

I hadn't realized how long it's been since I last updated on the pregnancy, so my apologies if anyone has been waiting for an update. That said, I'm officially 29 weeks and 1 day pregnant, and since we're planning a scheduled C-section for May 11, 2011, that means that we have 10 weeks AT MOST before we get to meet our baby girl!

I can't even begin to tell you how excited and eager I am to meet her. I'm not a patient person by nature (in case that hasn't been READILY apparent), so waiting for May to roll around is hard. But I want the baby to keep on growing in my belly until she's ready to come out, so hopefully she stays put for at least another 8 weeks.

Speaking of that, I had another little scare the other week. I didn't pass out again (thank God!), but there was a Thursday evening two weeks ago when I spent the night almost entirely wide awake having contractions. I was only 27 weeks at that time, so needless to say, I was freaking out. They weren't painful contractions and were probably Braxton-Hicks, but it's been so long since I last had them (with Super Boy) that I really couldn't remember what they were supposed to feel like. I managed to wait until 6am to have my OB paged, and after talking to her, she wanted me to come in to her office that morning so she could check my urine and see what was going on. Of course, by the time I got to her office, I was no longer contracting and felt fine (albeit exhausted!). Still, she checked my urine, my blood pressure, and the baby's heartbeat. My urine test was iffy for a UTI, so she wanted to culture it, but she gave me 3 days of antibiotics to get through the weekend on the assumption that that was the culprit, as I guess UTI's can trigger Braxton-Hicks contractions. My BP was totally fine, and the baby's heartbeat was strong and I could feel her moving, so she chalked it all up to the suspected UTI and told me to take it easy for a few days. But... she didn't check my cervix, and that made me nervous.

As the next several days went by, I took it easy and followed doctor's orders to the letter. Super Man and Super Boy took excellent care of me, and of the dog, and of the house while I stayed off my feet and stayed hydrated. The antibiotics had me feeling much better within a few days, and the culture came back Monday confirming the UTI, so my OB extended my antibiotic another few days. But I was still nervous about what effect the contractions might've had on my cervix, coupled with the fact that I seemed to have more discharge and I was worried it might be amniotic fluid. I toughed it out until Thursday, but it was really bothering & troubling me, so I made another appointment for Friday to have her check my cervix and swab for amniotic fluid. Thankfully, my cervix is still tightly closed (amen!) and the swab was incredibly clean - no amniotic fluid, no yeast (usually after a week of antibiotics I end up with a yeast infection), and not a lot of other stuff either. I was so relieved, I can't even tell you.

That's the thing with this pregnancy: After all the years we tried for this baby, and after miscarrying out of the blue last spring, I am SO PARANOID whenever anything unusual happens now. I know that's not a GOOD thing -- my stress level affects the baby. But I can't seem to shut my mind off once something starts troubling me, especially if it's a physical thing that's bothering me. My OB has been so cool and awesome about the whole thing though that I now feel much more comfortable just going with my instinct to call her and/or come in to get checked out when I'm really nervous about a new symptom or pain or whatever. Bottom line: I'd rather be safe than sorry. If getting checked out will put my mind at ease and let me relax, better for both me and the baby. And I'd rather find out for sure sooner than later if anything IS wrong.

Anyway, I'm glad to be in the home stretch of the pregnancy: the Third Trimester! In just over 2 months, we will have our baby girl with us. She will have a name (finally!), she will be sleeping under the same roof as us, she will be wearing all the sweet little clothes I've been readying for her arrival, burning through the diapers I've been buying, and making our family complete.

I cannot wait to meet her.

Thanks to all for the well wishes and prayers all along the way. We are so grateful and feel so blessed to be where we are right now, and I know all the positive thoughts and prayers have helped to get us here. So, THANK YOU. :)

Much love,

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